The doc arrived, an IV inserted (I didn’t watch), wires and monitoring equipment attached, and the pitocin drip began.
The first few contractions were mild. They were for me, anyway. So far, so good.
After about half an hour, the doc took a look at the fetal heart monitor thingie and did not like what she saw. Not one bit. She mentioned something about “late decels”. The Kid’s heart rate dropped after every contraction. In medical lingo, the technical term is “not good”. I wish I could remember what exactly she said to us, but the gist of it was, “You can continue with natural childbirth and the baby won’t make it or we can do a c-section. What’ll it be?” Not really a choice there, was it? I can’t say that either of us really considered that there was an option in her statement. It was worded like there was an option, but we knew there wasn’t. “Let’s do the c-section.” we said. “When will we do it?” “Now” was the gently urgent reply.
I was handed a set of scrubs and grabbed the camera. The Wife called our friend and neighbor Caroline, who happened to be a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital. She was off that day, but offered to be with us should come to a c-section. We had discussed it previously, and decided that it might be a good idea to have a close friend amongst the medical staff. Caroline was just about to put her own baby down for the night, but her dad came over to watch the baby while Caroline came to the hospital.
We also called the grandparents to-be and told them that our planned evening of labor was not going to happen, and that the kid would be arriving in a few minutes. Best laid plans and all...

“It’s got brown hair” followed almost immediately by “It’s a girl.”
Was that it? It’s only 6:35. I thought this was supposed to be a long drawn out affair…
Next up: “Hi. I’m your daddy.”
1 comment:
Oh how fun to remember! So you called me and said, "we are going back for a c-section." I think I said... "WHAT??? ALREADY?? shit..." You were so funny with your helmet on. And I am cracking up at Lili's comment on the last post about reminders of the "whale days." I can't believe she is almost 1!
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